Frequently Asked Questions:
Which Healthcare Industry Purchases Are Tax-Exempt?
Not all medical-related purchases are tax-exempt in Florida. Download this FAQ sheet to find out which types of purchases qualify.

Law firms can face significant consequences for mismanagement of trust accounts. Review this criteria to check whether you have the proper controls in place at your firm.

Download this checklist for eight specific items to consider.

How to avoid common pitfalls in your trust accounting
Avoid exposing your law firm to potentially severe penalties. Take time today to review your trust accounting.

Law firms can face significant consequences for mismanagement of trust accounts. Review this criteria to check whether you have the proper controls in place at your firm.

Florida assets under management at a glance
How does Florida stack up against other states in investment dollars? And which Florida counties are leading the charge?
Florida is one of the few states with more than a trillion dollars in assets under management. Find out which other states are at the top of the list and see a county-by-county comparison.

Download this infographic to learn more.



Key Contact


Nick P. Tootle, CPA

Principal, Financial Services Assurance and Consulting
